
We Choose Not the Times

David J. Pence • May 22, 2024

I remember when I was younger and looking at the state of the world. I knew I wanted children, but I couldn’t help but think, “Do I really want to raise kids in a world that looks like this?”...What if this world succeeds in destroying my children?

On Christian Nationalism and the Great Commission

David J. Pence • April 23, 2024

Christian Nationalism is a controversial topic...Earlier this year, a whole new outrage cycle began in response to Oklahoma state senator Dusty Deevers...By examining this criticism, I believe we can get a good idea of what the "Christian Nationalism" debate is really about.

Should Christians Watch The Chosen?

David J. Pence • March 5, 2023

When Jesus spoke, He spoke as one with authority...Roumie’s Jesus is soft-spoken and watered-down. He is a symptom of the culture that tries to make Jesus into your “best friend.”

Psalm 1: Blessed Is the Man

Michael Pence • February 1, 2023

The compiler of the Psalter has intentionally positioned what we have as Psalm 1 to open our collection. It is here that we are introduced to a vital contrast between the righteous and the wicked.

The Three Parts of Salvation

David J. Pence • January 18, 2023

There are three things that, according to the Bible, are absolutely necessary to the salvation of every man and woman in Christendom. These three things are justification, regeneration, and sanctification. All three meet in every child of God; he is born again, justified, and sanctified. He who lacks any one of these three things is not a true Christian in the sight of God, and will not be found in heaven and glorified in the last day if he dies in that condition.

What Does It Mean to Be Blessed?

Michael Pence • January 7, 2023

I overheard something recently that sparked my curiosity. Some people were making small talk when one asked another how they were. The person responded that they were “blessed.” We tend to speak of being blessed in a casual way—something like a feeling of being lucky or fortunate, and this is the sense that they were using the term.

Why Share the Gospel?

David J. Pence • January 2, 2023

If the culture hates the gospel so much, why bother evangelizing when we could just sit on the sidelines and watch disapprovingly as the world does whatever it wants? That would certainly save us a lot of ridicule.

A New Beginning for Upward Gaze

David J. Pence • January 1, 2023

On January 1st of 2021, Luke and I released a video announcing the creation of this has been two years since that video was posted, and nothing has been done with this ministry since.