Recent Articles

  • We Choose Not the Times

    David J. Pence • May 22, 2024

    I remember when I was younger and looking at the state of the world. I knew I wanted children, but I couldn’t help but think, “Do I really want to raise kids in a world that looks like this?”...What if this world succeeds in destroying my children?

  • On Christian Nationalism and the Great Commission

    David J. Pence • April 23, 2024

    Christian Nationalism is a controversial topic...Earlier this year, a whole new outrage cycle began in response to Oklahoma state senator Dusty Deevers...By examining this criticism, I believe we can get a good idea of what the "Christian Nationalism" debate is really about.

  • Should Christians Watch The Chosen?

    David J. Pence • March 5, 2023

    When Jesus spoke, He spoke as one with authority...Roumie’s Jesus is soft-spoken and watered-down. He is a symptom of the culture that tries to make Jesus into your “best friend.”

  • Psalm 1: Blessed Is the Man

    Michael Pence • February 1, 2023

    The compiler of the Psalter has intentionally positioned what we have as Psalm 1 to open our collection. It is here that we are introduced to a vital contrast between the righteous and the wicked.

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